Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Previous Valentine's March

Yuris and The Men's Banner
This year I wasn't able to attend the 8th Annual Memorial March for All Missing and Murdered held on Valentine's day. I wish I had gone but I've learned that I need to accept when I can't participate in everything all the time. 

From what I've seen in the media it was a successful march. I always regret reading the comments on any article relating to indigenous issues or events. They make me loose my faith in humanity. 

These photos were taken in 2012 at one of the evening marches. The quality of photos are not that great. Since I began to document my experiences in art and activism I can see my learning curve. 

David Jacks helping to carry the banner.
I remember I attended this march instead of going to an evening class.  The week before I announced this march was happening, I thought it was appropriate since it was intro to Native Studies. 

Portage ave.
A sign I liked
The name I carried.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sunrises On A Finished Banner

 Monday early morning in July of 2011. I worked out in the hot sun for five days completing the biggest banner I had ever made at the time. 

Sunday night I sat at the campfire waiting for the sun to rise to take this picture on Pope's Hill. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. 

People were still dancing long after the concerts ended. 

After the mini photo shoot I curled up into a little exhausted ball and waited for my mom to pick me up and take me home. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Place Of Beauty

The summer of 2011 was very productive for me. One of my trips took me to Victoria BC. 

Bre, a fantastic woman I met at the Pan Canadian Feminist Gathering invited me to make a banner with her and local activist groups. 

While there I stayed with Renay, one of the most interesting and awesome feminists I've ever met.  Her home was a space of pure beauty. 

When ever I think of a place of refuge, somewhere to rejuvenate my spirit. I think of her and my time spent in Victoria. 

The spring and early summer had been packed with the gathering (I was part of the main group hosting), writing and directing my film Dreamcatcher and creating a 20 foot banner for the first time at the Winnipeg Folk Festival. It was all satisfying work but emotionally exhausting.

I found it reassuring to be called an artist and have my work appreciated. 

Part of my experience at the folk festival and the gathering left me feeling like what I was doing wasn't making any sort of difference. That I was putting myself out there in potential danger for little to no pay off. 

Before I visited B.C. I wondered if what I was creating and the intent of my work was getting through to people. That's something I still wonder time to time. It is part of the reason I've been reluctant and nervous to continue with this blog and post regularly. 

But the people I met in Victoria helped me realize that what I do is valid. That I create a unique dialogue and experience on the topic of violence against women.  I just have to remind myself that every once in awhile. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Lovely Little Note

While I was making a banner at the Winnipeg Folk Festival Campground in 2011 my friend Sarah slipped this into my tent. She was at a workshop and I'm not sure on the details but she gave little love notes to all the people she was camping with. 

I had barely filled the banner and had to take a break. After a long hot day in the sun I found this lovely message in my tent. It was such a delightful surprise. My whole being felt so much lighter. 

This was the fantastic view I had of the campground around me. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Beginning Of A Banner

Taken in 2012 the night before the Winnipeg Comic Con.

Whenever I begin a new banner one of my technical problems is finding the space for prep work. 

This is the storage room at Urban Shaman Art Gallery. We were there late after one of the galleries openings. 

After I painted in the lettering and pulled up the cloth I saw this. 

 I like that I branded the floor with this message. And nobody at the gallery minded.