Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I can tweet!

The Men's Banner Project now has its own twitter account. Although I'm really terrible at social media, I'm slowing getting everything up to date. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

“You fight like a girl” – Tumblr responses


I found this on Tumblr. I liked how it escalated really quickly, with people adding pictures and reblogging.  Also, its pretty funny that at the end between Sherlock’s Mrs. Hudson and Harry Potter’s Prof. McGonagall there’s a picture of the Queen.


“You fight like a girl.”

I’m sorry


I didn’t














Reblogging because I’m sure the comic readers out there could add some more.




so sorry


i can’t hear you


over the sound


of me crushing my enemies


This list


was looking


a little




so here you go



watch the


bodies hit


the floor


Source: penchant-for-raising-c

Monday, May 20, 2013

I am a feminist

“As long as women’s natural body hair is called disgusting and inappropriate while men’s isn’t, I am a feminist.
As long as I can’t watch an episode of a popular sitcom without having to sit through multiple sexist comments or “jokes”, I am a feminist.
As long as women have to face the rational fear of being sexually assaulted every time they walk home past dark while men don’t, I am a feminist.
As long as misogyny exists in any country in this world, I am a feminist.
As long as women are being raped, then stoned to death or forced to marry their rapist, I am a feminist.
As long as companies promote men to manager when there are women who are equally as or better qualified, because they find that men look more authoritative, I am a feminist.
As long as women (her choice of clothes, her friendly nature, her weakness, her choice to drink alcohol) get blamed when men rape them, I am a feminist.
As long women’s opinions on online social networks are dismissed with phrases like “tits or gtfo”, “get back to the kitchen”, “are you pms’ing?”, I am a feminist.
As long as dressing like a women is degrading for men and as long as men are insulted with phrases like “you throw like a woman”, clearly implying that being like a woman is shameful, I am a feminist.
As long as both men are women are expected to work, but taking care of children and the household are still largely considered a woman’s job, I am a feminist.
As long as boys and girls are treated differently, expected to act differently, and surrounded by different toys and colours from the day they are born, I am a feminist.
As long as topless women aren’t allowed in public unless they’re on the cover of a men’s magazine, I am a feminist.
As long as women who have sex frequently are generally told they are “sluts”, “lacking self-respect” and “lacking morals” by both men and women, while men who frequently have sex are “just being men” and it’s “natural for them”, I am a feminist.
As long as there are places where women have to pay more for health insurance than men, I am a feminist.
As long as men experience situations with equal gender representation as female-dominated, and don’t consider a group discussion equal unless there are significantly more men then women participants (as has been proven), I am a feminist.
As long as there are men who think it’s their wife or girlfriend’s duty to have sex with him whenever he wants, I am a feminist.
As long as the word feminism (“the movement aimed at equal rights for women”) has a negative connotation, I am a feminist.
As long as misogynist people exist, I am a feminist.”

LE CHRYSANTHÉME: I am a feminist.   (via psychedelicpaisleyprincess)

Source: livefromplanetearth

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Louis CK and Courageous Dating


Taken from his HBO special comedian Louis CK had this to say about dating.

“People are still trying, you see a couple on a date that means there’s still courage out there. That take’s courage to go on a date, for both sides. To very different kinds of courage, the male courage, traditionally speaking, is that he decided to ask – sometime she’ll say yes, and is she says yes that’s her courage. And the courage it takes for a woman to say yes is beyond anything I can imagine…