Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UMSU Council Men 2010

The University of Manitoba Student Union Council. After a brief presentation of the Men's Banner Project a few men made the promise to be non-violent and to stand against the violence they witness.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Indigenous Sovereignty Week

Winnipeg's Second Indigenous Sovereignty Week 2010: resistance and revival 
November 20 to 27

The purpose of this week is to build local relationships between groups and individuals, disseminate ideas of Indigenism, and generally, contribute to building a cross-Canada movement for Indigenous rights, self-determination, and justice that is led by Indigenous communities but with a broad base of informed support.

Many fantastic events took place during this week in Winnipeg and across the country. 

Thursday, November 25:  International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

I began a new Men's Banner at the University of Manitoba. This was an event for both Indigenous Sovereignty Week and Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

My husband Yuri was the first to place his hand on the banner. He spent the day helping me encourage other men to commit to non-violence and place their hand print on the banner.

After five hours in the University Center we had successfully collected 17 hand prints and signatures. For me it was a positive and productive day.  Doing this by myself for the last four years I consider the conversations I have with each man about being non-violent more important than filling the banner as fast as possible. Dialogue takes time and the interactions I have with strangers has a longer lasting impact.

Yuri encouraged two men to keep the paint on their hands during their class. This resulted in the two men being asked why their hands were blue and red. It created more awareness across campus and  these two men brought back friends during the day to lend a hand and make the commitment.   

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Don't Rape Her PSA" YouTube Video


A public service announcement for sexual assault awareness, for men, by men.
Tonight I came across this video. It was posted on April 21, 2011 and I'm not sure who the film makers are.  From the commentary on YouTube I can see that people did take issue with this video. The sentiment was disrespectful, making light of rape and this one video won't solve violence against women or sexual assault.

I thought this video was pretty good for two reasons:

  1. There are numerous actions, organizations and campaigns run by women for women on important issues of violence and sexual assault. But not many that have men involved in a positive way. This is the main reason I began the Men's Banner Project.  I believe men and women need to work together on this issue. I also believe that most men and women are decent, kind and non-violent but not always aware of what's going on around them. I like this video because it has men addressing a very obvious statement that isn't mentioned enough. 
  2. This video created dialogue. Not everyone likes it, some people hate it but they are sharing with each other their opinions and experiences on rape, assault, community responsibility and personal responsibility. I think that interaction is even more important then the video.